After 25 years, working for seven different employers in multiple countries on two different continents it was time for a new step. The real choice was to either support the vision of someone else or follow my own dreams and act on my own values…
The drivers for sourcing are quite diverse, but more often than not 'cost savings' is high on the priority list together with 'focus on core business' and 'quality improvement'. Very rarely sourcing engagements are seen as an opportunity to… Snijder Snijder2017-02-10 23:57:412024-03-27 13:45:08Sourcing for a better world?
A recent trend in Shared Services and Outsourcing is Robotics Process Automation (RPA). In the early days labour arbitrage and industrialized delivery models were used to optimize processes and bring down cost. Twenty years later we see that… Snijder Snijder2016-04-11 17:23:512024-03-27 13:45:08Robotics: can your work be automated?
There are several ways to make decisions in life. My type of personality would generally rate the rational approach above the more emotional attempts to get to a conclusion. Normally I would do a risk analysis, talk to people who's knowledge…
Management Consultants as a species are always busy. Client meetings, presentations to prepare, reports to finish, networks to be maintained, we are running all over the place. But to be fair, our level of activity varies over the year. When… Snijder Snijder2015-01-10 00:03:142024-03-27 13:45:08Parkinson’s Law or why we procrastinate while we can…
Early in the new year is the time to think about life's priorities. Numerous people start 2015 with the best intentions to live healthier lives by eating better, exercise more and if applicable stop smoking. When making up your mind about things… Snijder Snijder2015-01-03 20:51:362024-03-27 13:45:08Life without Facebook…
Sourcing consultants should aspire to understand every aspect of sourcing. My question is whether that should include 'crowdsourcing' as well because this is an upcoming phenomenon. At first glance crowdsourcing seems to be something in the… Snijder Snijder2014-08-27 15:30:272024-03-27 13:45:08Crowdsourcing, a phenomenon that is here to stay
Career analyst Dan Pink has been looking at the science of human behavior. Particularly he looked at the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. His conclusion is plain and simple: we are doing something completely wrong!
More than… Snijder Snijder2014-08-20 13:44:452024-03-27 13:45:08The key to motivation: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
Well over a year ago I had several people who talked to me about Best Value Procurement (BVP for short). For different reasons they were all very positive about this approach and its potential benefits. Fragmented stories and various recommendations… Snijder Snijder2014-08-12 11:36:152024-03-27 13:45:08Best Value Procurement, a one-size-fits-all solution?
As a huge fan of the TED talks, I quite regularly listen to the diverse range of speakers telling about their expertise and providing new insights. A recent example of a very interesting presentation was from Dan Gilbert who talked about The… Snijder Snijder2014-06-27 01:27:202024-03-27 13:45:08Regular Engagement Maintenance, a continuous effort in the relationship
Recently I concluded an on-line course 'On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers'. The course was given by Luc de Brabandere, a professor at Ecole Central Paris and a fellow at the Boston Consultancy Group. During the course… Snijder Snijder2014-05-30 05:13:442024-03-27 13:45:08Thinking In New Boxes – Luc de Brabandere
Career development systems in a consultancy firm have some nasty streaks in it. First I'll explain how it works and then why I think we should abolish it in this form asap.
The career development in many partnership firms is a variation on… Snijder Snijder2014-05-23 14:30:512024-03-27 13:45:08Musical chairs in the corporate world
The beginning of something new: 2iQ Management & Consultancy
Sourcing for a better world?
Robotics: can your work be automated?
Canada, Eh?
Parkinson’s Law or why we procrastinate while we can…
Life without Facebook…
Crowdsourcing, a phenomenon that is here to stay
The key to motivation: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
Best Value Procurement, a one-size-fits-all solution?
Regular Engagement Maintenance, a continuous effort in the relationship
Thinking In New Boxes – Luc de Brabandere
Musical chairs in the corporate world