Project / Program Management

Leading a project to a successful outcome requires a broad range of skills and tools. At 2iQ we believe that a pre-requisite for a successful outcome is a serious understanding of the content because complex projects need more than a sophisticated PMO, a certified bookkeeper and established escalation procedures. True insight and creativity drives success.

Prince2, IPMA and PMBOK all provide valuable insights that could be considered hygiene factors especially in the larger and more complex programs. Although altogether useful, all best practices and toolsets do not address the content and the complexity that is most often the root of the challenges. For 2iQ managing projects and programs is about excellent stakeholder management and enabling the relevant content experts to play their vital role. The relationship with sourcing is clear; when multiple parties are involved with each their own interests the complexity of an engagement typically rises significantly.

At 2iQ we believe that being a Program Manager is a supporting role that should ensure that all players can live up to their full potential and creativity. Do you agree? Let’s talk!

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