
Core business for 2iQ is anything related to Sourcing and that in every stage of the lifecycle. It starts with helping clients with a sourcing strategy creates a solid basis for subsequent successful implementation.

The next stage can encompass traditional procurement or a more innovative competitive dialogue where every approach is aimed to setup a sustainable business relationship that provides value to all parties involved. An oftentimes underestimates aspect of sourcing is the transition; the best contract and mutual good intentions have proven time and again not sufficient to survive the initial steps into a new sourcing relationship. Later on in the relationship an independent assessment can be a way to establish whether the ambitions for the engagement are still on track. And any relationship comes to an end, whether by natural expiration or a forced exit and apart from another procurement process, both insourcing and re-contracting can be viable alternatives.

In all of these aspects 2iQ can make a difference either based on personal experience or by identifying the right people for the challenge at hand. Contact me for more information and to discuss similar cases to yours and the lessons learned from those.

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